Haverhill's River Bards are a group of local poets with a passion for shining a light on poetry, prose, spoken word, and other literary arts! Twice a year the Bards, along with Creative Haverhill, present a once a month poetry series usually at HC Media’s downtown location. Due to the pandemic, the Fall 2020 series will be held on zoom as a virtual poetry and open mic night (register below for zoom login info). The November poetry night will be featuring Bob Whelan, followed by open mic readings. These events are family-friendly and open to the public! You can sign up for an open mic spot through zoom chat once you've logged in. Also, this will be recorded and then aired on Channel 22 through HC Media.
Be sure to register by clicking the link below to get to the registration site. This is how you will get emailed the ZOOM link to attend. The sign up for the open mic is on that night as you log in at the beginning of the program. A splendid time is guaranteed for all!