On Sunday April 16, 2023 poets from all over the world will gather together online to celebrate the 5th Annual Rockport Poetry Festival. The theme for 2023 is ”Shelter from the Storm".
Poets from all over the planet will read their work live, including: Cape Ann, the North Shore, Nepal, Denmark, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Greece, from across the United States and from across the globe on Zoom.
The festival will feature live performances of top-rated poets, poet laureates, poet re-enactors, and films. This year because Covid-19 is less of an issue the festival will be both live and online, presented through Zoom and Facebook Live! We will also present at the Gloucester Writers Center, John Greenleaf Whittier Home & Museum, the Rockport Art Association & Museum, Millbrook Meadow, and the Manship Artists Residency.
This event is FREE. The Rockport Poetry Festival is staffed entirely by volunteers. Poets are presenting in that spirit and out of a love for poetry. There are necessary expenses though. Donations of any size are happily accepted to assist RPF in its goal to remain free and accessible to the public!
Please send any donation of any amount on PayPal to Thank you in advance for your generosity